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Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information
Regional Ecosystem
Biodiversity Status
Short Description
Closed heath on seasonally waterlogged sand plains
Special Values
12.2.12: Habitat for threatened plant species including Blandfordia grandiflora, Acacia baueri and near threatened species including Boronia rivularis, Durringtonia paludosa. Habitat for threatened fauna including the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus. 12.2.12a: Habitat for threatened plant species including Blandfordia grandiflora, Acacia baueri and near threatened species including Boronia rivularis, Durringtonia paludosa. Habitat for threatened fauna including the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus. 12.2.12b: Habitat for threatened species including Blandfordia grandiflora, Acacia baueri and near threatened species including Boronia rivularis, Durringtonia paludosa. Habitat for threatened fauna including the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus.
Fraser Coast region distribution
Coastal Burrum Heads to Takura and Tuan Forest to Tin Can Bay.
Long Description
Closed or wet heath +/- stunted emergent shrubs/low trees. Characteristic shrubs include Banksia spp. (especially B. robur) Boronia falcifolia, Epacris spp., Baeckea frutescens, Schoenus brevifolius, Leptospermum spp., Hakea actites, Melaleuca thymifolia, M. nodosa, Xanthorrhoea fulva with Baloskion spp. and Sporadanthus spp. in ground layer. Occurs on poorly drained Quaternary coastal dunes and sandplains. Low part of sand mass coastal landscapes where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 29a). Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include: 12.2.12a: Empodisma minus, Machaerina rubiginosa, Epacris microphylla closed heathland with emergent low shrubs of Leptospermum liversidgei. Occurs on Poorly drained Quaternary coastal dunes and sandplains. Low part of sand mass coastal landscapes where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 29a). 12.2.12b: Xanthorrhoea fulva wet heathland. Occurs on Poorly drained Quaternary coastal dunes and sandplains. Low part of sand mass coastal landscapes where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 29a).
Distribution Map
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