Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information

Regional Ecosystem   12.2.15


Priority   4

Short Description  Gahnia sieberiana, Empodisma minus, Gleichenia spp. closed sedgeland in coastal swamps


Comments  12.2.15: This ecosystem has been subject to disturbance and extensively in filled or modified by urban development in the south of bioregion and the RE is considered to be endangered in this area. 12.2.15g: Unique wetland type colloquially referred to as patterned fens. Restricted to K'gari, Cooloola area and Mulgumpin\Moreton Island.

Special Values  12.2.15: Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Durringtonia paludosa, Eleocharis difformis, Maundia triglochinoides, Thelypteris confluens and the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus. 12.2.15f: A unique regional ecosystem as there are only 80 perched lakes on sand recorded worldwide. 12.2.15g: Habitat for threatened species including wallum froglet Crinia tinnula and the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus.

Fraser Coast region distribution  K'gari, Burrum Heads and small patches at Burrum River and Tin Can Bay. Variant 12.2.15f present.

Long Description  Closed sedgeland in coastal swamps and associated water bodies. Characteristic species include Gahnia sieberiana, Empodisma minus, Gleichenia spp., Blechnum indicum, Lepironia articulata, Machaerina spp., Juncus spp., and Eleocharis spp. Occurs on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include: 12.2.15a: Permanent and semi-permanent window lakes. Occurs as a window into the water table on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Lacustrine. (BVG1M: 34a). 12.2.15b: Lepironia articulata closed sedgeland. Occurs on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). 12.2.15c: Cladium procerum closed sedgeland. Occurs on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). 12.2.15d: Machaerina rubiginosa closed sedgeland, with Cyclosorus interruptus and Blechnum indicum. Occurs on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). 12.2.15e: Leersia hexandra closed grassland. Occurs on Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches. Low part of coastal landscape where water collects from both overland flow and infiltration from adjoining sand dunes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). 12.2.15f: Permanent and semi-permanent perched lakes. Occurs perched on Quaternary coastal dunes. Lacustrine. (BVG1M: 34a). 12.2.15g: Swamps dominated by Empodisma minus, Gahnia sieberiana, other sedges and forbs and shrubs such as Leptospermum liversidgei. Occurs on depressions in coastal sand masses fed by ground water. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c).

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