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Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information
Regional Ecosystem
Biodiversity Status
Short Description
Swamps with Cyperus spp., Schoenoplectus spp. and Eleocharis spp.
12.3.8: Many small areas not mapped at 1:100 000 scale. Important for water birds and freshwater invertebrates and vertebrates such as tortoises. Many shallower seasonal water bodies in the region have been drained or have become silted. Naturalised species associated with this regional ecosystem include *Cenchrus purpurascens. Generally a palustrine wetland although also includes larger areas of lacustrine water bodies, particularly in association with modifications to hydrology associated with construction of bunding and levees. 12.3.8a: Too small to map at 1:100 000 scale. Subject to trampling and pugging from stock. Some examples have been enalarged by excavation or bunding.
Special Values
12.3.8: Provides wetland habitat for a plant and fauna. 12.3.8a: Provides wetland habitat for a plant and fauna.
Fraser Coast region distribution
Mapped in scattered locations across the mainland part of the region.
Long Description
Swamps with characteristic species including Cyperus spp., Schoenoplectus spp., Philydrum lanuginosum, Eleocharis spp., Leersia hexandra, Cycnogeton procerus, Nymphaea spp., Nymphoides indica, Persicaria spp., Phragmites australis, Typha spp. and a wide range of sedges grasses or forbs. Emergent Melaleuca spp. may sometimes occur. Occurs in freshwater swamps associated with floodplains. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c). Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include: 12.3.8a: Swamps with characteristic species including Carex appressa, Juncus spp., Persicaria spp., and Cyperus spp. Occurs in closed depressions on the margins of elevated Tertiary basalt landscapes. Palustrine. (BVG1M: 34c).
Distribution Map
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