Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information

Regional Ecosystem   12.5.8


Priority   2

Short Description  Eucalyptus hallii open woodland on complex of remnant Tertiary surface and Tertiary sedimentary rocks

Notes  koala

Comments  12.5.8: Restricted to the Burrum River-Bundaberg area. Being cleared for sugar cane expansion and residential development.

Special Values  12.5.8: Habitat for threatened plant species including Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi and Eucalyptus hallii.

Fraser Coast region distribution  Mapped on the mainland next to the northern border of the Fraser Coast region in Cherwell and Burrum Heads.

Long Description  Eucalyptus hallii open woodland +/- E. latisinensis, Corymbia trachyphloia subsp. Trachyphloia, Angophora leiocarpa, C. intermedia, E. exserta, Melaleuca quinquenervia and/or M. viridiflora var. viridiflora and E. fibrosa subsp. Fibrosa. Occurs on complex of remnant Tertiary surfaces and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9g).

Distribution Map
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