Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information

Regional Ecosystem   12.5.12


Priority   2

Short Description  Eucalyptus racemosa subsp. racemosa, E. latisinensis +/- Corymbia gummifera, C. intermedia, E. bancroftii woodland with heathy understorey on remnant Tertiary surfaces

Notes  koala

Comments  12.5.12: Areas of this vegetation >2ha in size occurring on Cainozoic to Proterozoic sediments are mapped as 12.9-10.4. Restricted to the Great Sandy area north of Noosa to Poona NP. Cleared for exotic pine plantation and horticulture.

Special Values  12.5.12: Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Acacia attenuata, Acacia baueri subsp. baueri, Habenaria harroldii, Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi. This ecosystem is known to provide suitable habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus).

Fraser Coast region distribution  Within the Fraser Coast region restricted to coast and sub-coastal areas south-east of the Mary River.

Long Description  Eucalyptus racemosa subsp. racemosa, E. latisinensis +/- Corymbia gummifera, C. intermedia, E. bancroftii, Melaleuca quinquenervia woodland to open woodland with prominent heathy understorey. Other canopy species occasionally present include E. robusta, Angophora leiocarpa and A. woodsiana. Occurs on remnant Tertiary surfaces +/- Cainozoic and Mesozoic sediments. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9g).

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