Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information

Regional Ecosystem   12.8.16


Priority   1

Short Description  Eucalyptus crebra +/- E. melliodora, E. tereticornis subsp. Basaltica woodland on Cainozoic igneous rocks

Notes  koala

Comments  12.8.16: Usually occurs upslope of 12.8.17. Naturalised species associated with this regional ecosystem include *Dichanthium aristatum.

Special Values  12.8.16: Habitat for threatened plant species including Rhaponticum australe and near threatened species including Callitris baileyi. This ecosystem is known to provide suitable habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Areas of the regional ecosystem containing E. albens are considered a threatened ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) see

Fraser Coast region distribution  Only five polygons mapped together at Takura.

Long Description  Eucalyptus crebra, generally with E. melliodora and E. tereticornis subsp. Basaltica grassy woodland. Eucalyptus albens may occur on the western edge of the bioregion. Usually occurs on dry mid and upper slopes and crests on Cainozoic igneous rocks, especially basalt. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 11a).

Distribution Map
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