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Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region
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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information
Regional Ecosystem
Biodiversity Status
Short Description
Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus crebra woodland on sedimentary rocks
12.9-10.18: This type has a very scattered distribution and often occurs as small patches. 12.9-10.18b: Restricted to St Mary State Forest.
Special Values
12.9-10.18: This ecosystem is known to provide suitable habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus).
Fraser Coast region distribution
In the Fraser Coast region only 12.9-10.18b is present in the St Mary State Forest area.
Long Description
Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus crebra woodland +/- E. longirostrata, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata. Other species such as Eucalyptus tereticornis, Corymbia trachyphloia subsp. trachyphloia and C. intermedia may be present in scattered patches or in low densities. Understorey can be grassy or shrubby. Occurs on Cainozoic and Mesozoic sediments. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9h). Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include: 12.9-10.18a: Open forest of Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus crebra, E. tereticornis with a sub-canopy of Lophostemon suaveolens. Occurs in gullies on Cainozoic and Mesozoic sediments. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9h). 12.9-10.18b: Callitris endlicheri, Angophora leiocarpa +/- Eucalyptus exserta, E. acmenoides, Corymbia intermedia open-woodland with shrubby understorey of Leptospermum spp. And Acacia spp. Occurs on rocky ridges, crests and upper slopes on Cainozoic and Mesozoic sediments. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9h).
Distribution Map
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