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Plants of the Fraser Coast Region

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Dyschoriste depressa     Nees

This introduced groundcover is commonly known as butterfly heaven.

Dyschoriste depressa is described as a "dicot" in the Acanthaceae family.

In the Queensland Nature Conservation Act it is not classified as it is not native to Queensland. Under the Federal Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act it is not classified.

A long-lived herbaceous plant with spreading to upright stems usually growing up to 60 cm tall. Its stems are usually square in cross-section and are hairless or finely hairy. First recorded in Brisbane in 2000 (, accessed 09/04/2017). Reported at Tiaro, Gootchie, Gundiah, Maryborough and Urraween. 

It has been recorded in the Wide Bay district in the Queensland Herbarium Census but is not listed as occurring in the Fraser Coast region in Queensland Herbarium Wildlife Online.

Reported at 1 Fraser Coast locality: Maryborough.

Fraser Coast distribution based on unverified field reports.


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