Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

Ecosystems of the Fraser Coast Region

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Fraser Coast Regional ecosystem information

Regional Ecosystem   12.1.2


Priority   4

Short Description  Saltpan vegetation including grassland, herbland and sedgeland on marine clay plains


Comments  12.1.2: Tidally inundated less frequently than mangroves. This ecosystem is under threat from sea level rise along its seaward margin.

Special Values  12.1.2: Habitat for threatened fauna species including the false water-rat Xeromys myoides in the southern part of the bioregion particularly in areas immediately adjacent to mangroves, 12.1.3. ( Van Dyck and Gynther, 1996, 2003).

Fraser Coast region distribution  Mapped on mainland coastal areas and on Fraser Island west coast.

Long Description  Saltpan vegetation comprising Sporobolus virginicus grassland and samphire herbland. Grasses including Zoysia macrantha subsp. macrantha sometimes present in upper portions of tidal flats. Includes saline or brackish sedgelands. Usually occurs on hypersaline Quaternary estuarine deposits. Marine plains/tidal flats. Intertidal. (BVG1M: 35b).

Distribution Map
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