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Qld Status | Scientific Name | Common Name | Family | Image |
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C | Chiloglottis sp. | undescribed chiloglottis | Orchidaceae | |
C | Chiloglottis diphylla | beetle orchid | Orchidaceae | |
* | Chenopodium murale | green fat-hen | Chenopodiaceae | photo |
* | Chenopodium album | fat-hen | Chenopodiaceae | |
C | Cheirostylis notialis | southern fleshy jewel orchid | Orchidaceae | |
C | Cheilanthes tenuifolia | rock fern | Pteridaceae | photo |
C | Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi | mulga fern | Pteridaceae | photo |
C | Cheilanthes nudiuscula | cloak fern | Pteridaceae | photo |
C | Cheilanthes distans | bristly cloak fern | Pteridaceae | photo |
* | Chamaecrista rotundifolia var. rotundifolia | Wynne cassia | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Chamaecrista nomame var. nomame | fishbone cassia | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Chamaecrista mimosoides | mimosa cassia | Leguminosae | |
C | Chamaecrista maritima | coastal cassia | Leguminosae | |
C | Chamaecrista concinna | dwarf cassia | Leguminosae | |
C | Chamaecrista absus var. absus | four-leaved cassia | Leguminosae | |
C | Chaetospora turbinata | bog-rush | Cyperaceae | |
* | Cestrum parqui | green cestrum | Solanaceae | photo |
* | Cestrum nocturnum | night-blooming cestrum | Solanaceae | photo |
C | Cestichis swenssonii | northern tom cats | Orchidaceae | |
C | Cestichis coelogynoides | fairy sphinx orchid | Orchidaceae | |
C | Ceriops australis | yellow mangrove | Rhizophoraceae | photo |
C | Cerbera manghas | dog bane | Apocynaceae | |
C | Ceratopteris thalictroides | water fern | Parkeriaceae | photo |
C | Ceratophyllum demersum | hornwort | Ceratophyllaceae | photo |
* | Cerastium vulgare | mouse-ear chickweed | Caryophyllaceae | |
* | Cerastium glomeratum | mouse ear chickweed | Caryophyllaceae | photo |
C | Cephalaralia cephalobotrys | climbing panax | Araliaceae | |
* | Centrosema molle | centro | Leguminosae | |
C | Centrolepis strigosa subsp. strigosa | hairy centrolepis | Centrolepidaceae | |
C | Centrolepis exserta | centrolepis | Centrolepidaceae | |
C | Centratherum riparium | native centratherum | Asteraceae | photo |
* | Centratherum punctatum | larkdaisy | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Centranthera cochinchinensis | centranthera | Orobanchaceae | photo |
C | Centipeda minima subsp. minima | spreading sneezeweed | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Centella asiatica | pennywort | Apiaceae | photo |
* | Centaurium tenuiflorum | centaury | Gentianaceae | |
* | Centaurium erythraea | common centaury | Gentianaceae | photo |
* | Centaurea melitensis | Maltese cockspur | Asteraceae | |
* | Centaurea calcitrapa | star thistle | Asteraceae | |
* | Cenchrus thunbergii | sandbur | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus setaceus | African fountain grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Cenchrus robustus | burrgrass | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus purpureus | elephant grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Cenchrus purpurascens | swamp foxtail | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus polystachios | feathery pennisetum | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus pedicellatus subsp. unispiculus | annual mission grass | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus longisetus | feathertop | Poaceae | photo |
* | Cenchrus echinatus | Mossman River grass | Poaceae | photo |
* | Cenchrus clandestinus | kikuyu | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus ciliaris | buffel grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Cenchrus caliculatus | hillside burrgrass | Poaceae | |
* | Cenchrus americanus | pearl millet | Poaceae | |
* | Celtis sinensis | Chinese elm | Ulmaceae | photo |
C | Celtis paniculata | native celtis | Ulmaceae | photo |
C | Celastrus subspicata | large-leaved staffvine | Celastraceae | photo |
C | Celastrus australis | staff climber | Celastraceae | |
* | Ceiba speciosa | silk floss tree | Bombacaceae | |
* | Cedrela odorata | Spanish cedar | Meliaceae | |
* | Cecropia peltata | trumpet tree | Cecropiaceae | |
C | Cayratia acris | hairy grape | Vitaceae | photo |
C | Caustis recurvata | curly sedge | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Caustis flexuosa | curly wig | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Caustis blakei subsp. blakei | foxtails | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Caustis blakei | foxtails | Cyperaceae | |
C | Causonis eurynema | soft water vine | Vitaceae | photo |
C | Causonis clematidea | slender grape | Vitaceae | photo |
C | Causonis australasica | water vine | Vitaceae | photo |
* | Catharanthus roseus | periwinkle | Apocynaceae | photo |
C | Casuarina glauca | swamp oak | Casuarinaceae | photo |
C | Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. incana | coast she-oak | Casuarinaceae | photo |
C | Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana | river she-oak | Casuarinaceae | photo |
C | Casuarina cristata | belah | Casuarinaceae | |
C | Castanospora alphandii | brown tamarind | Sapindaceae | |
C | Castanospermum australe | black bean | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Cassytha pubescens | downy devils twine | Lauraceae | photo |
C | Cassytha paniculata | ribbed dodder | Lauraceae | |
C | Cassytha muelleri | dodder laurel | Lauraceae | |
C | Cassytha glabella forma glabella | slender devil's twine | Lauraceae | photo |
C | Cassytha filiformis | devils twine | Lauraceae | photo |
C | Cassinia subtropica | broad-leaved cough bush | Asteraceae | |
C | Cassinia quinquefaria | rosemary shrub | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Cassinia laevis | cough bush | Asteraceae | photo |
V | Cassinia collina | cassinia | Asteraceae | |
C | Cassia sp. (Como P.Grimshaw+ G507) | Como cassia | Leguminosae | |
* | Cassia fistula | golden shower tree | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Cassia brewsteri subsp. (Gundiah C.T.White 3491) | Leichhardt bean | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Casearia multinervosa | casearia | Salicaceae | photo |
* | Cascabela thevetia | yellow oleander | Apocynaceae | photo |
* | Carthamus tinctorius | safflower | Asteraceae | |
* | Carthamus lanatus | saffron thistle | Asteraceae | |
C | Carronia multisepalea | southern carronia | Menispermaceae | |
C | Carpobrotus glaucescens | pigface | Aizoaceae | photo |
* | Carpobrotus edulis | Hottentot fig | Aizoaceae | |
* | Carpesium cernuum | carpesium | Asteraceae | |
C | Carissa ovata | currantbush | Apocynaceae | photo |
C | Carex pumila | strand sedge | Cyperaceae | |
C | Carex polyantha | river sedge | Cyperaceae | |
C | Carex maculata | carex | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Carex hubbardii | carex | Cyperaceae | |
C | Carex horsfieldii | large-leaf carex | Cyperaceae |
Based on
Census of the Queensland Flora.