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Qld Status | Scientific Name | Common Name | Family | Image |
< 24 25 26 27 28 > | ||||
C | Corunastylis conferta | crowded midge orchid | Orchidaceae | |
C | Corunastylis acuminata | pointed midge orchid | Orchidaceae | photo |
C | Coronidium oxylepis subsp. oxylepis | dune daisy | Asteraceae | |
C | Coronidium oxylepis subsp. lanatum | woolly-pointed everlasting | Asteraceae | |
C | Coronidium oxylepis subsp. carnosum | Fraser Island dune daisy | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Coronidium oxylepis | dune daisy | Asteraceae | |
C | Coronidium lanuginosum | daisy | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Coronidium elatum subsp. elatum | white everlasting | Asteraceae | |
* | Coreopsis lanceolata | common tickseed | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Cordyline stricta | narrowleaf palm lily | Laxmanniaceae | |
C | Cordyline rubra | red-fruited palm lily | Laxmanniaceae | photo |
C | Cordyline petiolaris | broadleaf palm lily | Laxmanniaceae | photo |
C | Cordyline fruticosa | broad-leaved palm lily | Laxmanniaceae | photo |
C | Cordia dichotoma | glue-berry tree | Boraginaceae | photo |
C | Corchorus trilocularis | three-celled jute | Sparrmanniaceae | |
C | Corchorus olitorius | jute | Sparrmanniaceae | |
V | Coopernookia scabridiuscula | coopernookia | Goodeniaceae | photo |
C | Convolvulus erubescens | pink bindweed | Convolvulaceae | |
* | Convolvulus arvensis | field bindweed | Convolvulaceae | |
C | Conospermum taxifolium | devils rice | Proteaceae | photo |
C | Commersonia viscidula | commersonia | Byttneriaceae | photo |
E | Commersonia leiperi | Leiper's commersonia | Byttneriaceae | photo |
C | Commersonia dasyphylla | kerrawang | Byttneriaceae | |
C | Commersonia bartramia | brown kurrajong | Byttneriaceae | photo |
C | Commelina lanceolata | wandering jew | Commelinaceae | |
C | Commelina diffusa | wandering jew | Commelinaceae | photo |
* | Commelina benghalensis | hairy wandering jew | Commelinaceae | photo |
C | Comesperma volubile | blue love creeper | Polygalaceae | |
C | Comesperma sphaerocarpum | match-heads | Polygalaceae | |
C | Comesperma retusum | mountain match-heads | Polygalaceae | photo |
C | Comesperma hispidulum | match-heads | Polygalaceae | photo |
C | Comesperma esulifolium | mountain match-heads | Polygalaceae | |
C | Comesperma defoliatum | leafless milkwort | Polygalaceae | photo |
E | Coleus torrenticola | cockspur flower | Lamiaceae | |
C | Coleus scutellarioides | native coleus | Lamiaceae | |
E | Coleus omissus | cockspur flower | Lamiaceae | |
C | Coleus graveolens | flea bush | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Coleus australis | little spurflower | Lamiaceae | photo |
* | Coleus amboinicus | allspice | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Coleocarya gracilis | northern scale-rush | Restionaceae | photo |
* | Coffea arabica | Arabian coffee | Rubiaceae | |
C | Coelospermum reticulatum | medicine bush | Rubiaceae | |
C | Coelospermum paniculatum var. paniculatum | coelospermum | Rubiaceae | photo |
C | Codonocarpus attenuatus | bellfruit tree | Gyrostemonaceae | |
C | Cocos nucifera | coconut | Arecaceae | photo |
C | Coatesia paniculata | axe-breaker | Rutaceae | photo |
C | Clerodendrum tomentosum | hairy lollybush | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum | long-flowered clerodendrum | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Clerodendrum inerme | scrambling clerodendrum | Lamiaceae | photo |
* | Clerodendrum heterophyllum | clerodendron | Lamiaceae | |
C | Clerodendrum floribundum | lollybush | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Clematis pickeringii | tropical clematis | Ranunculaceae | |
C | Clematis glycinoides | headache vine | Ranunculaceae | photo |
C | Clematis aristata | old man's beard | Ranunculaceae | |
C | Clematicissus opaca | small-leaved water vine | Vitaceae | photo |
C | Cleistochloa subjuncea | cleistochloa | Poaceae | |
C | Cleistanthus cunninghamii | omega | Phyllanthaceae | photo |
C | Clausena brevistyla | native wampi | Rutaceae | photo |
C | Claoxylon tenerifolium subsp. tenerifolium | Queensland brittlewood | Euphorbeaceae | photo |
C | Claoxylon australe | brittlewood | Euphorbiaceae | |
C | Cladium procerum | leafy twigrush | Cyperaceae | photo |
* | Citrus x limon | bush lemon | Rutaceae | |
C | Citrus australis | Australian round lime | Rutaceae | photo |
C | Citrus australasica | finger lime | Rutaceae | |
* | Citrullus amarus | bitter melon | Cucurbitaceae | |
C | Citronella moorei | churnwood | Leptaulaceae | |
* | Citharexylum spinosum | fiddlewood | Verbenaceae | |
C | Cissus reniformis | variegated grape | Vitaceae | |
* | Cirsium vulgare | spear thistle | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Cinnamomum oliveri | Oliver's sassafras | Lauraceae | photo |
* | Cinnamomum camphora | camphor laurel | Lauraceae | photo |
C | Cinnamomum baileyanum | candlewood | Lauraceae | |
* | Cichorium intybus | chicory | Asteraceae | |
C | Chrysopogon sylvaticus | vetiver grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Chrysopogon oliganthus | false beardgrass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Chrysopogon filipes | Australian vetiver | Poaceae | |
C | Chrysopogon fallax | golden beard grass | Poaceae | |
* | Chrysopogon aciculatus | Mackie's pest | Poaceae | |
* | Chrysophyllum oliviforme | satinleaf | Sapotaceae | photo |
C | Chrysocephalum apiculatum | yellow buttons | Asteraceae | photo |
* | Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata | bitou bush | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Christella parasitica | wood fern | Thelypteridaceae | |
C | Christella hispidula | hairy maiden fern | Thelypteridaceae | |
C | Christella dentata | creek fern | Thelypteridaceae | photo |
C | Chorizema parviflorum | eastern flame pea | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Chorizandra sphaerocephala | bristle rush | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Chorizandra cymbaria | bristle rush | Cyperaceae | photo |
C | Choretrum candollei | white sour bush | Santalaceae | photo |
C | Chordifex fastigiatus | upright cord rush | Restionaceae | photo |
* | Chlorophytum comosum | spider plant | Anthericaceae | photo |
* | Chloris virgata | feathertop rhodes grass | Poaceae | |
C | Chloris ventricosa | tall chloris | Poaceae | |
C | Chloris truncata | windmill grass | Poaceae | |
* | Chloris inflata | purpletop chloris | Poaceae | |
* | Chloris gayana | Rhodes grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Chloris divaricata var. divaricata | slender finger-grass | Poaceae | |
C | Chloris divaricata | slender finger-grass | Poaceae | |
C | Chloanthes parviflora | mintplant | Lamiaceae | photo |
C | Chionachne cyathopoda | river grass | Poaceae | |
C | Chiloglottis sylvestris | forest bird orchid | Orchidaceae | photo |
Based on
Census of the Queensland Flora.