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Qld Status | Scientific Name | Common Name | Family | Image |
< 28 29 30 31 32 > | ||||
* | Sorghum x drummondii | Sudan grass | Poaceae | |
C | Sowerbaea juncea | vanilla lily | Laxmanniaceae | photo |
* | Sparganium erectum subsp. stoloniferum | burr-reed | Typhaceae | |
C | Sparganium subglobosum | floating burr-reed | Typhaceae | photo |
* | Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica | African tulip tree | Bignoniaceae | photo |
C | Spermacoce brachystema | stiff leaved spermacoce | Rubiaceae | photo |
C | Spermacoce multicaulis | spermacoce | Rubiaceae | photo |
* | Spermacoce remota | woodland false buttonweed | Rubiaceae | photo |
C | Sphaerolobium minus | short globe pea | Leguminosae | |
C | Sphaerolobium vimineum | leafless globe pea | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Sphaeromorphaea australis | spreading nutheads | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Sphaeromorphaea subintegra | nutheads | Asteraceae | |
C | Sphaeropteris australis | prickly tree fern | Cyatheaceae | |
C | Sphaeropteris cooperi | scaly tree fern | Cyatheaceae | photo |
* | Sphagneticola trilobata | Singapore daisy | Asteraceae | photo |
C | Spinifex sericeus | beach spinifex | Poaceae | photo |
C | Spiranthes australis | ladies tresses | Orchidaceae | photo |
C | Sporadanthus caudatus | twisting lepyrodia | Restionaceae | |
C | Sporadanthus interruptus | knotted lepyrodia | Restionaceae | photo |
* | Sporobolus africanus | Parramatta grass | Poaceae | |
C | Sporobolus caroli | fairy grass | Poaceae | |
C | Sporobolus creber | slender rat's tail grass | Poaceae | |
C | Sporobolus elongatus | hairy grass | Poaceae | |
* | Sporobolus fertilis | giant Parramatta grass | Poaceae | photo |
* | Sporobolus jacquemontii | American rat's tail grass | Poaceae | |
C | Sporobolus laxus | lax rat's tail grass | Poaceae | photo |
* | Sporobolus natalensis | giant rat's tail grass | Poaceae | photo |
* | Sporobolus natalensis - Sporobolus pyramidalis | rat's tail grass | Poaceae | |
* | Sporobolus pyramidalis | giant rat's tail grass | Poaceae | photo |
C | Sporobolus sessilis | native sporobolus | Poaceae | |
C | Sporobolus virginicus | marine couch | Poaceae | photo |
C | Sprengelia sprengelioides | sprengelia | Ericaceae | photo |
* | Stachys arvensis | stagger weed | Lamiaceae | photo |
* | Stachytarpheta australis | white snakeweed | Verbenaceae | |
* | Stachytarpheta cayennensis | dark blue snakeweed | Verbenaceae | photo |
* | Stachytarpheta jamaicensis | light blue snakeweed | Verbenaceae | photo |
* | Stachytarpheta mutabilis | pink snakeweed | Verbenaceae | |
C | Stackhousia monogyna | creamy candles | Stackhousiaceae | |
C | Stackhousia muricata | western stackhousia | Stackhouseaceae | |
C | Stackhousia nuda | wiry stackhousia | Stackhousiaceae | photo |
C | Stackhousia spathulata | coast stackhousia | Stackhousiaceae | |
C | Stackhousia viminea | slender stackhousia | Stackhousiaceae | |
* | Stellaria media | chickweed | Caryophyllaceae | photo |
C | Stenocarpus salignus | scrub beefwood | Proteaceae | |
C | Stenocarpus sinuatus | firewheel tree | Proteaceae | photo |
* | Stenotaphrum secundatum | buffalo grass | Poaceae | |
C | Stephania japonica var. discolor | tape vine | Menispermaceae | photo |
C | Stephania japonica var. timoriensis | tape vine | Menispermaceae | |
C | Stephania renifolia | round leaf stephania | Menispermaceae | |
* | Stephanophysum longifolium | common wild petunia | Acanthaceae | |
C | Sterculia quadrifida | peanut tree | Sterculiaceae | photo |
C | Sticherus flabellatus var. flabellatus | shiny fan fern | Gleicheniaceae | photo |
* | Stigmaphyllon ciliatum | Brazillian glory vine | Malpighiaceae | photo |
C | Stigmatodactylus amplexicaulis | green elf orchid | Orchidaceae | |
C | Stolonochloa lachnophylla | dont panic | Poaceae | |
C | Stolonochloa pygmaea | dwarf panic | Poaceae | |
C | Strangea linearis | strangea | Proteaceae | photo |
C | Streblus brunonianus | whalebone tree | Moraceae | photo |
C | Striga curviflora | witchweed | Orobanchaceae | |
C | Striga parviflora | witchweed | Orobanchaceae | |
* | Strobilanthes persicifolia | spotted heart | Acanthaceae | |
C | Strychnos psilosperma | strychnine tree | Loganiaceae | photo |
C | Stuckenia pectinata | sago pondweed | Potamogetonaceae | |
C | Stylidium debile | frail trigger plant | Stylidiaceae | photo |
C | Stylidium diffusum | trigger plant | Stylidiaceae | photo |
C | Stylidium eglandulosum | woolly-stemmed triggerplant | Stylidiaceae | |
C | Stylidium graminifolium | grassy-leaved trigger-flower | Stylidiaceae | photo |
C | Stylidium ornatum | wallum trigger plant | Stylidiaceae | photo |
C | Stylidium tenerum | swamp triggerplant | Stylidiaceae | photo |
* | Stylosanthes guianensis | common stylo | Leguminosae | |
* | Stylosanthes guianensis var. guianensis | common stylo | Leguminosae | |
* | Stylosanthes humilis | Townsville stylo | Leguminosae | photo |
* | Stylosanthes scabra | shrubby stylo | Leguminosae | photo |
* | Stylosanthes viscosa | sticky stylo | Leguminosae | photo |
C | Styphelia deformis | small star beard-heath | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Styphelia ericoides | pink beard-heath | Ericaceae | |
C | Styphelia kinkuna | Kinkuna beard heath | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Styphelia leptospermoides | bearded heath | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Styphelia margarodes | pearl beard heath | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Styphelia mitchellii | beard-heath | Ericaceae | |
C | Styphelia rupicola | beard heath | Ericaceae | |
C | Styphelia sieberi | prickly heath | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Styphelia viridis | green five corners | Ericaceae | |
C | Styphelia viridis subsp. breviflora | green fivecorner | Ericaceae | photo |
C | Suaeda arbusculoides | jelly-bean plant | Chenopodiaceae | photo |
C | Suaeda australis | seablite | Chenopodiaceae | photo |
C | Swainsona fraseri | Darling pea | Leguminosae | |
C | Swainsona galegifolia | smooth Darling pea | Leguminosae | |
C | Swainsona oroboides | variable swainsona | Leguminosae | |
C | Swainsona queenslandica | smooth Darling pea | Leguminosae | |
* | Syagrus romanzoffiana | Queen palm, Cocos palm | Arecaceae | photo |
* | Symphyotrichum subulatum | wild aster | Asteraceae | photo |
NT | Symplocos harroldii | hairy hazelwood | Symplocaceae | photo |
C | Symplocos stawellii | white hazelwood | Symplocaceae | photo |
C | Symplocos thwaitesii | buff hazelwood | Symplocaceae | photo |
C | Syncarpia glomulifera subsp. glomulifera | turpentine | Myrtaceae | photo |
C | Syncarpia hillii | Fraser Island satinay | Myrtaceae | photo |
C | Syncarpia verecunda | red turpentine | Myrtaceae | |
* | Synedrella nodiflora | Cinderella Weed | Asteraceae | |
* | Synedrellopsis grisebachii | straggler daisy | Asteraceae |
Based on
Census of the Queensland Flora.